Yes! Finally a brand new podcast episode.

I’ve always said I want to be authentic, and jumping on a podcast to serve you some nonsense that really didn’t inspire you in a way that was truthful. But! I had this quote/motto/belief that wouldn’t leave my mind for the last month and it’s really made a difference in how I’m taking care of myself, my kids, my creative side, my fitness and nutrition.

I hope you enjoy it!

This episode is available to listen to wherever you catch up on your favourite podcasts (I like Spotify!) but I’m also experimenting with YouTube and have popped it up there too 🙂



Transcript –

Hello friends! Long time no podcast right?

Firstly I want to thank everyone who is still listening to the podcast, checking out the back episodes and finding me on Instagram. I love that the episodes still live on even though I haven’t been releasing anything new lately.

So where have I been? Well I think I mentioned this before, but this whole Coronavirus sitation, lockdowns and dealing with restrictions and supporting my kids through it all really zapped my creativity energy. And, like all of us, I just didn’t know what to say about that. I never want to jump on here, and record a podcast episode where I’m telling you everything will be okay, or just think good thoughts – because that’s not authentic to me, and I don’t find that helpful myself.

Things with the pandemic are still very much a day to day thing here in Australia and I know in many other places in the world it’s even crazier. We are all trying to adjust to living with this new normal, trying to keep our heads above the water. Maybe some of you have lost jobs, lost family members, lost your spark and your hope – and my heart goes out to you. There’s no one way to deal with what’s going on because none of us have been through it personally, to this extent.

But what we can do – is bring ourselves back to the things that matter most and try not to look too far into the future. Because no one really knows, right?

So I wanted to record this podcast episode because there’s this quote that I really love that has been giving me a kind of guideline for my day and my week. The quote is – Control Your Consistency.

Control your consistency – this actually stems from questions that I ask myself and the people I’ve coached in the past – how do you want to feel? And what will you do to get there?

Yes, we need to know what the goal is – but where I find myself and others get stuck, is those steps towards the goal. It’s never a straight line to the finish – and it’s never as easy as just wanting it for yourself.

I’ve talked about this heaps before but good habits are important. We will never always be motivated to do the things that need to be done – but if you focus on habit, and developing an attitude around your tasks where you understand that done is better than perfect, you will get to your goals much quicker.

Control your consistency around the tasks you do. Make it a game if you need to where you don’t break the chain for 5 days in a row, but remind yourself that consistency will be the key towards any goal.

So as an example, I have really slacked off on exercise over the last few months. Has anyone else put on a few extra pounds too? Inconsistency with my nutrition has not helped LOL – both go hand in hand, and I know this. I know it! But I always had an excuse, always was putting it off and not prioritising it.

Finally in the last couple of weeks, I thought about this quote – Control Your Consistency – and it makes the most sense to me – not only towards my exercise and nutrition, but with the creative projects I’m working on, with my relationships with my kids and my husband.

Even if it was just 10 minutes of pilates or strength work, every day – keeping it consistent throughout the week has made me feel so much better. It never needed to be a huge 45 minute session, followed by a walk and a protein shake, once a week – that kind of commitment scares me and I never end up doing it again. By finding a small way to be consistent, I’ve already achieved 50 minutes of exercise a week – which is more than I would of done with that 45 minute session once a week.

Consistency with my grocery planning and food prep has also been going really well – I know that if I can get to the local grocer on a Sunday, I can roast up my favourite veggies, boil up some quinoa and bake some fish or chicken in one huge batch and I have a few extra portions for later in the week when I know I’ll get lazy and turn to something not so good for me.

Control your consistency.

The results of your current consistency can be seen RIGHT NOW. The day you’re having today is a result of your consistency or inconsistency from the last month. Think about that. Every little bit adds up.

I think it’s time to take up more responsibility for the results we’re getting. What do you think?

There are not a lot of things we’re able to control at the moment – but there are a bunch of small changes I bet you’re able to make today, in order to improve where you are, how you’re feeling, what you’re doing next month and the next month and the next month. It’ll take time, but nothing good ever comes easy. We are more than able to do the work, and to be honest, it’s not always fun – but is it worth it? Absolutely.

Control your consistency.

So let me know what you think of this quote – has it helped you think of your daily routine a bit differently? Did you have a goal in mind that needs more of your consistency? Where do you need to give yourself a pep talk? Forget guilt trips, back yourself TODAY and start putting in the work to build those good habits.

Thank you so much for joining me back for the podcast – I will be back more regularly, and I can’t wait to chat to you all again.
If you want find out what I’ve been up to – come find me on Instagram under @makesunshineco – I’ve been in a creative bubble during isolation so there are some fun new projects coming out soon. Can’t wait to share it with all of you guys, but until then – take care and be safe.