One Day or Day One, you decide – Upgrade your mindset!
I’m so excited to be back on the poddy for 2020! I will be trying to include a transcript of each show but you can listen to the episode using the player below or finding me on your favourite podcast player under ‘This Quote Changed My Life’.
Hello and welcome back to This Quote Changed My Life for 2020! My name is Tracey and i’m the host of the show. I am so excited to have you back with me for the new year – how’ve you been? What have you been up to? I’m not sure where you’re listening from but from about mid December to the start of February is generally when Australian school kids have their summer break, and it’s been a crazy one. Searing heat, out of control bushfires, and just over the weekend – torrential rain and flooding. It’s been crazy.
Before we get started – did you know that the podcast is now 1 year old!? How cool is that – just one year ago I started this podcast, made the decision to just begin and it’s already one year old. So cool.
So I intentionally gave up January to family and to rest, so I set aside the podcast and blogging – which was the best decision for me because I knew that if I set up goals and changes in January, I would fail. It’s just way too busy and I knew I would kick myself if I didn’t achieve anything in January. Are you guys the same way?
This week’s quote is something I like to keep in mind, especially as I set up new goals and I get stuck in procastination..
One day or Day One, you decide.
I love this quote for this podcast actually – you’ve all heard me talk about it before but I really wanted to have a podcast for the longest time but never thought I could. I put it in the ‘one day’ column – so I never really started it up UNTIL .. Day One. And here’s the secret to reaching this goal – there were ALOT of Day One’s! Day One every week, every month – I don’t like to say that suddenly I woke up and worked on it every day and here I am now and everything is fabulous! Because that’s not reality – reality is for me, being a mum and a wife and dealing with my own health stuff AND also scheduling in a few hours to work on the podcast so that I don’t have to worry about it for another week or two. Day One is not the start of your success – it is the decision to keep going DESPITE your obstacles. Day One is intention to keep going. I know alot of us are embarassed to start over, or to start again — and it really shouldn’t be that way.
Day One is your declaration that you are still here.
One day or day one, you decide.
What really matters here is your mindset and your intention – you could look at failure as ‘the end’ – or you could look at it as an opportunity to pivot, to change paths, to try something new, to start again. One day – being you have no real plans on moving forward on it – like it’s unattainable or you’re not ready. Day One – being your signal to start moving ahead today. Which do you choose? What is your intention? How do you look at the things you want to do but never start, or get sidetracked on? Have you taken responsibility for your inaction?
What do you think of this weeks quote? Does it resonate with you? Have you had your batch of Day One’s also? What project are you working on right now?
I’d love to hear from you – you can track me down on Instagram under @thisquotechangedmylife — or check out my newly revived blog at where I am talking about mindfulness, mindset and wellness a bunch, all things I’m so passionate about and have been hanging out to share with you.
Thanks for joining me on my very first episode for 2020!! I will see you all in the next episode where I’m talking about playing the long game when it comes to our goals.
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